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Brand on the run

The Brief

The brief was to develop a new E-Scooter Rental Brand for Belfast in one week. The brand needed to consider all the possible attractions of the eScooter with the associated lifestyle benefits. I had to think about possible users and design accordingly. Furthermore, I considered the positioning of this rental brand against similar competitors already existing. I came up with initial ideas and concepts through vigorous research coming up with the name Bscoot which is a combination of Belfast and E-Scooter.




The outcome created is an adaptable brand that is captivating and energetic to encourage the user to use the new
E-Scooter rental brand in Belfast.  The service is designed for users to commute for social and work reasons. The brand is fresh and minimal which is easy to read and legible for all users. The brand can be used across many different platforms.

electric scooter half front view.jpg


Bscooting you along

The word scoot is a verb which means to move quickly. This is where I came up with the Bscooting you along as the tagline for the brand.  The outcome uses 4 different colours, which is a simple colour palette.  Soft, playful lowercase letters are used and Montserrat black is the typeface. The dots symbolise scooting you along in the scooter around Belfast.

Bscoot Branding: Services
Bscoot Branding: Image

"Bscooting around you"

Bscoot Belfast

Bscoot Branding: Quote
Bscoot Branding: Image
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